Pacaritambo: The Machu Picchu Magazine and Bookstore, Let's Talk Shipping
The Machu Picchu Magazine and Bookstore
Shipping Rates and Why
Let’s Talk Shipping:
OK, political rant coming up: This is what happens when you privitize a government function. (Think about your social security being privitized! Ouch!!)
The US Postal Service has now jacked up prices so high, that we’ve had to raise our shipping rates accordingly. We try to keep shipping costs as close to actual cost as possible - smaller paperbacks cost less to ship so that is reflected in stated shipping cost within the listing. We've all been gouged for excess postage, so we won’t do that to you.
The cost for media shipping depends on the weight and can range from $ 2.86 up to $ 3.99. First class Mail hs been priced so as to make it not viable.
The cost for priority shipping (items that will fit into a USPS flat-rate envelope) is now $ 6.70. (We don’t list heavier books or larger books that don’t fit into that envelope for priority shipping. However, we can ship heavier, larger books priority, but we would have to get you a quote on that.)
Multiple orders will be shipped together if possible and excess postage over $3.00 will be returned to you via paypal or by company check.
INTERNATIONAL ORDERS: The minimum for international shipping has skyrocketed and is something that we cannot price for you until you email us about the book. I will ship international but upon agreement.
We ship within 2 business days of the order placement - God willing and "the creek don't rise."
There is a drop-down shipping menu for each book – just select your shipping preference.
Any questions, just email us (Simply click here) or call 512-826-3888