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Sioux, Lakota History Books

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A BALLAD OF THE WEST: Seekers of the Fleece and Lakota
by Bobby Bridger. Foreword by Vine DeLoria, Jr. 2 fold-out B&W maps. Condition: UNREAD 1996 Augustine Press (Texas) Trade Paperback, second edition. Tiny edge wear. Content: Bobby Bridger is the great-grand nephew of renowned mountain man Jim Bridger. "This version of Bridger's epic trilogy not only has the printed poetic ballads, but also contains numerous historical epithets to deepen the historical experience and take the listener/reader back in time. A rare gem!" [1 copy available]
$ 4.49 + $ 3.19 media shipping International shipping available.

Price: $ 4.49
Seekers of the Fleece & Lakota, Bridger

by Mari Sandoz. The Custer Fight by W. H. Dunton cover art. B&W map of the battlefield. Condition: UNREAD 1978 Bison edition Trade Paperback, 7th priting. Content: Sandoz's account of the battle in which General George Armstrong Custer staked his life—and lost—reveals on every page the author's intimate knowledge of her subject. The character of the Sioux, the personality of Custer, the mixed emotions of Custer's men, the Plains landscape—all emerge with such clarity that the reader is transported in time to that spring of 1876, when the Army of the Plains began its fateful march toward the Yellowstone. The background of the tragedy is here: the history of bad blood and broken treaties between the Sioux Nation and the United States, the underlying reason for Custer's expedition and for the convocation of Indians on the Little Bighorn that particular year. The author's analysis of Custer's motives and political ambitions sheds new light on an old mystery and will be hotly disputed by the general's admirers. [1 copy available]
$ 3.29 + $ 3.19 media shipping International shipping available.

Price: $ 3.29
Battle Little Bighorn, Sandoz

BUCKSKIN & BUFFALO: The Artistry of the Plains Indians
by Colin F. Taylor. Beautiful color photos plus B&W era photos. Condition: Gently pre-read, IF at all, 1998 Vega-Salamander Books (UK) hardcover & DJ (in mylar jacket), first prnting. Content: Reviewer: "This book eatures excellent color photos, both full-size and detail, of dozens of circa 19th century Plains Indian works of leather, including shirts, leggings, robes, and other practical artwork. Beadwork, quillwork adn paint adorn these works of buffalo deer, elk, antelope and bighorn sheep hides, and the author selected some astoundingly lovely pieces. The text that accompanies each one goes into the source, the components, and the cultural significance of both the objects themselves and their adornment, as well as interesting bits of information about certain details, such as a particular type of bead or feather used, or the importance of the piece in its culture. The tribal origins of each entry are also discussed, including cases where the author disagreed with the museum or collection that held the piece, and details explaining why (ie, this detail resembles this tribe instead of that tribe). Overall, it is a really nicely done work. However, one question is left unasked. We've seen the pretty artwork and have learned its immense importance. Now can we please return these to the people to whom they are so very important?" Questions encouraged. [1 copy available]
$ 12.59 + $ 3.29 media shipping. International shipping available.

Price: $ 12.59
Buffalo & Buckskin: Artistry Plains Indians

by Larry McMurtry. Condition: UNREAD 1999 Lipper/Viking small hardcover & DJ (see the note on the DJ), first printing. The DJ is designed with a cut-out circle on the front panel which revelas a "picture" of Crazy Horse on the front cover board. It won't be easy to put a mylar jacket on this book, but I will include one in the shipping if you want to try. I wouldn't. Content: Deceptively brief and seemingly lightweight, this wonderful work effectively cuts through decades of hyperbole. McMurtry illuminates the enigma and the myth of Crazy Horse to present him as a man - no more, no less. He has stripped away the incessant Noble Savage image that persists in many serious works about Native Americans, even to this day. He gently jabs earlier biographers who based entire volumes on little or no evidence of the events in Crazy Horse's life. "Still I am not writing this book because I think I know what Crazy Horse did - much less what he thought - on more than a few occasions in his life; I'm writing it because I have some notions about what he meant to his people in his lifetime, and also what he has come to mean to generations of Sioux in our century and even our time." McMurtry's simple, eloquent prose conveys Plains Indian culture far better than most anthropological efforts, leaving the reader with a clear, dignified image of the great warrior (who died in 1877) without needless conjectures of day-by-day activities. Although complicated by the politics of money and land, this is, as McMurtry ultimately shows, the story of a man "who had no politics, just the conviction that he wanted to live his life in accordance with the precepts of his own people." [1 copy available]
$ 2.59 + $ 3.09 media shipping International shipping available.

Price: $ 2.59
Crazy Horse, Larry McMurtry

CRAZY HORSE: The Strange Man of the Oglalas (A Biography)
by Mari Sandoz. Condition: Pre-read 1961 Bison Trade Paperback edition, 19th printing. This was my book and it does have some highlighting and marks in the margins. Light edge wear. No tanning. Content: Reviewer: "If you ever wanted to know what month the "moon of the popping trees," or who "the little people of the air" are all about, you only have to start this book. I have read it more times than you can count on five hands and it still moves me everytime. The book probably paints the picture of exhiliration and despair of the 19th century Lakota (Sioux) and the end of their world as no other book on the subject I've read. (And I've read a lot of them.) When you've dried your tears at the end of this book, you begin to feel a kindred spirit with the Lakota and their struggle to save the world they know, and anger and contempt for the treaties and the word of the United States. Custer fans will be surprised that the so called "Battle of the Little Big Horn" appears with little fanfair [sic] in the book, it's almost over before you know it. The fact is, that's how the battle occured: just another skirmish with the soldiers, but one which the Lakota find out later is the turning point in their long struggle with the United States. A great tragedy in the classic sense of the word." Sandoz based her biography in part on interviews with people who knew Crazy Horse personally. [1 copy available]
$ 1.59 + $ 3.09 media shipping.

Price: $ 1.59
Crazy Horse, Mari Sandoz

CRAZY HORSE AND CUSTER: The Parallel Lives of Two American Warriors
by Stephen Ambrose. B&W era photos illustrate. Condition: UNREAD, but not perfect, 1986 Meridian-NAL large Trade Paperback, second printing. Tiny edgewear with light tanning to page edges. Content: Military historian Ambrose examines the connections between the Indian chief and the cavalry officer who fought at Little Bighorn. Reviewer: "Ambrose really brings history to life in this book about Custer, Crazy Horse, and the culture of plains indians and American expansionism. Ambrose is able to elquantly put down on to paper both sides of the story without becoming bogged down in what is so popularly reffered to as politically correct revisionist history. After reading this book I really feel as though I have a much better understanding of both the indian side of the story which is to preserve their way of life as well as the unstoppable expansion into the west. Anyway no matter who's [sic] side you take Custer's or Crazy Horse's it's a great book and was fun to read. [1 copy available]
$ 4.59 + $ 3.29 media shipping International shipping available.

Price: $ 4.59
Crazy Horse & Custer, Ambrose

IN THE SHADOW OF WOUNDED KNEE: The Untold Final Story of the Indian Wars
by Roger L. Di Silvestro. B&W era photos throughout. Condition: NEW 2006 Walker hardcover & DJ (in mylar jacket), first printing. Tiny edge wear top DJ edges. Content: On December 29, 1890, the U.S. Seventh Cavalry killed more than 150 Lakota men, women and children at Wounded Knee, S.Dak. Was it a battle or a massacre? That became the key point of dispute when a Brulé Lakota warrior named Plenty Horses was brought to trial for the murder of Lt. Edward Casey, whom he had killed a week after the slaughter. If the U.S. was not at war with the Lakota, reasoning went, then the Lakota were murdered; but if a state of war did exist, then Plenty Horses's "fatal bullet through the back of Casey's skull" was also an act of war, not murder. Complicating the juridical conundrum was a simpler case: shortly after Casey's death, the "infamous" Culbertson brothers attacked a peaceful Indian encampment. Would an Indian hang for killing a white officer? Could two white men be convicted for killing a settlement of Indians? Reviewer: "Understanding just what was going on in the Dakotas during these troubled times would be extremely difficult without an understanding of the history of relations between the U.S. government and the Indian nations. In the first four chapters of "In The Shadow Of Wounded Knee" Roger DiSilvestro does a superb job of getting the reader up to speed on this checkered history. And so when these two unfortunate killings occur in January 1891 the reader is abundantly aware of the context in which this violence took place. At the same time you will be much more likely to understand the highly charged climate that surrounded each of these trials. If you are an avid reader of history like I am then "In The Shadow of Wounded Knee" will give you another little piece of the puzzle that will help you to understand just what was going on in the Plains as hostilities between the U.S. Army and the Indian nations were beginning to wind down. Clearly most Indian leaders could see the handwriting on the wall. "In The Shadow of Wounded Knee" is extremely well researched and very well written. My kudos to Roger DiSilvestro for a job well done. Highly Recommended." Questions welcome. [1 copy available.]
$ 10.00 + $ 3.29 shipping.

Price: $ 10.00
In the Shadow of wounded Kee, Di Silvestro

by Mary Crow Dog with Richard Erdoes. B&W photos illustrate. Condition: NEW 1991 HarperPerennial Trade Paperback first thus, 36th printing. Tiny edgewear. Content: This is one of the best books available to people interested in contemporary Native Americans. Mary Brave Bird's life story sheds light on traditions of her Lakota (Sioux) people from the Pine Ridge and Rosebud reservations in South Dakota. She shows, in a very clear way, their tortured history with the missionaries, state bureaucracy, the courts, the FBI and the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA). We see to what extent the government has succeeded in destroying the old life and how small groups of the Sioux managed to preserve traditional ways and ceremonies. Reissued at the time of the TNT movie which, if you have not seen it, run to your local video store! [2 copies available]
$ 6.49 + $ 3.19 media shipping. International shipping available.

Price: $ 6.49
Lakota Woman

LAKOTA WOMAN (Hardcover book)
by Mary Crow Dog with Richard Erdoes. B&W photos illustrate. Condition: NEW 1990 Grove Weidenfeld hardcover & DJ (in mylar jacaket), first edition, first printing. Content: This is one of the best books available to people interested in contemporary Native Americans. Mary Brave Bird's life story sheds light on traditions of her Lakota (Sioux) people from the Pine Ridge and Rosebud reservations in South Dakota. She shows, in a very clear way, their tortured history with the missionaries, state bureaucracy, the courts, the FBI and the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA). We see to what extent the government has succeeded in destroying the old life and how small groups of the Sioux managed to preserve traditional ways and ceremonies. Reissued at the time of the TNT movie which, if you have not seen it, run to your local video store! [1 copy available]
$ 8.49 + $ 3.29 media shipping. International shipping available.

Price: $ 8.49
Lakota Woman

LAME DEER SEEKER OF VISIONS: The Life of a Sioux Medicine Man
by John (Fire) Lamd Deer & Richard Erdoes. Richard Pracher (cover) & B&W photo section. Condition: NEW 1973 reprint of Touchstone Trade Paperback. Remainder. Content: "John Lame Deer is a full-blooded Sioux Indian born at the beginning of the century on the Rosebud Reservation in South Dakota. Lame Deer is a medicine man, a vision seeker, a man who upholds the old religon and the ancient ways of his people. He is a man of the earth. He has been many things in his time - a rodeo clown, a soldier, a sign painter, a spud picker, a jail prisoner, a tribal policeman, a sheep herder, and a singer. But above all else he is "wicasa wakan," a Sioux Medicine Man." I am not familiar with Mr. Lame Deer, but I am familiar with the work of Mr. Erdoes and his name validates history for me. [1 copy available]
$ 5.79 + $ 3.19 media shipping. Priority & International shipping available.

Price: $ 5.79
Lame Deer

LITTLE CROW: Spokesman for the Sioux
by Gary Clayton Anderson. 3 B&W photo sections. Condition: Gently pre-read 1986 Minnesota Historical Society Press Trade Paperback, second printing. Spine crease with light edgewear. Obviously pre-read, but still very good. Content: Government officials and missionaries wanted all Sioux men to become self-sufficient farmers, wear pants, and cut their hair. The Indians, confronted by a land-hungry white population and a loss of hunting grounds, sought to exchange title to their homeland for annuities of cash and food, schools and teachers, and farms and agricultural knowledge. By 1862 the Sioux realized that their extensive kinship network and religion were in jeopardy and that the government would not fulfill its promises. With their way of life endangered, the Sioux turned to Little Crow to lead them in a war for self-preservation, a war that Little Crow had tried to avoid during most of his adult life. Within a year, the Sioux had been evicted from Minnesota, Little Crow was dead, and a way of life had vanished. Through his life-his biography-the complex interrelationship of Indian and white can be studied and, in some measure, understood. Questions welcome. [1 copy available]
$ 7.79 + $ 3.29 media shipping. International shipping available.

Price: $ 7.79
Little Crow: Spokesman for the Sioux

The Tragedy at Wounded Knee and the End of the Indian Wars

by Rex Alan Smith. Cover art: Paul Pletka's Wakan Dagre. Condition: NEW 1981 University of Nebraska Press Trade Paperback, first thus, 5th printing. Tiny edgewear. Content: Originally published in 1975. "An unbiased, original, creative, compelling mastperpiece, Moon of Popping Trees is a brilliant and "professionally detached" work regarding Native American/European American relations prior to and including the Wounded Knee "incident." Of course, by "professionally detached" I mean amazingly separated from this often times over-emotionally approached subject in American History. Yet, what is most compelling about this absolute masterpiece, is that despite Smith's own emotional detachment, he by no means fails to draw in the emotion of the reader--a danger which "scholarly reflections" often succomb to. Smith's work is perennial, cautious, and yet fascinatingly marvelous in its ability to "suck in" the reader." One of those "must-have" books. [1 copy available]
$ 3.75 + $ 3.09 media shipping. International shipping available .

Price: $ 3.75
Moon of Popping Trees

by Fanny Kelly. Condition: UNREAD 2000 Konecky & Konecky hardcover & DJ (in mylar jacket), no printing given. Content: In 1864 the Kelly wagon train left Kansas for Idaho and ran into a war party of 250 Sioux Indians resulting in a massacre of the Kellys with the exception of Fanny and her daughter. This story of her forced stay among the Sioux Indians is among the best of "Captivity Stories" - a popular genre in the nineteenth century. It details her capture and ordeals, while at the same time painting a vivid picture of a way of life that was soon to disappear. [1 copy available]
$ 5.49 + $ 3.29 media shipping.

Price: $ 5.49
Narrative of My Captivity Among the Sioux Indians, Fanny Kelly

by William K. Powers. B&W photos & charts illustrate. Condition: NEW 1986 Bison Press Trade Paperback, 6th priting. Content: This study seeks to explain how one group of Native Americans, the Oglala Sioux, has preserved its social and cultural identity despite formidable attempts by the U.S. government to eliminate tribal societies. Treating continuity and change as two aspects of the same phenomenon, it focuses on the nature of the uniquely Oglala values that persist, their modes of cultural expression, and the processes by which they are replicated. William K. Powers is a professor of anthropology at Livingston College, Rutgers University. He is the author of many articles and books, including Yuwipi. Questions welcome. [2 copies available]
$ 6.69 + $ 3.09 media shipping. International shipping available.

Price: $ 6.69
Oglala Religion

by Ian Frazizer. B&W photo section. Condition: UNREAD, but not perfect, 2001 Picador Trade Paperback, first printing. 2 pale "sports' front cover at fore edge and 1 back cover. Tiny edge weaer. Interior clean & tight. Content: When telling non-Indians that he was writing a book about the American Indian, Frazier (Great Plains, etc.) received a nearly unanimous reaction: that the subject sounds bleak. "Oddly," he says, "it is a word I never heard used by Indians themselves." Frazier builds his narrative--or, more deliberately, unpacks it, since he has no discernable plot, chronology or conclusion--around his 20-year friendship with the Indian Le War Lance and the Oglala Sioux of South Dakota's Pine Ridge Reservation. Though no "wannabe" or "buckskinner," Frazier emulates and reveres "the self-possessed sense of freedom" that he claims is the Indian contribution to the American character, adopted by the earliest European settlers and preserved in our system of government. Frazier's record of his travels with Le War Lance includes the tolls of alcohol, fights and car wrecks (Le claims to have survived 11 of them) and acknowledges the realities as well as the clich?s of reservation life. But in his rendering, the calamities of American Indian life are outweighed by the pervasiveness and endurance of that same sense of freedom, a feeling that Frazier captures in his style, his organization, his wonderful eye for detail. Probably no book since Evan S. Connell's Son of the Morning Star has so imaginatively evoked the spirit of the American Indian in American life; like Connell's tours of the Little Bighorn battlefield, Frazier's visits to Pine Ridge and Wounded Knee, and to the descendants of Red Cloud and Black Elk, frame a broad meditation on American history, myth and misconception. Funny and sad, but never bleak, his meandering narrative is, in fact, the composite of many voices and many kinds of history. Questions welcome. [1 copy available]
$ 2.69 + $ 3.09 media shipping.

Price: $ 2.69
On The Rez, Oglala Sioux history

PRISON WRITINGS: My Life Is My Sun Dance
by Leonard Peltier, US Prisoner # 89637-132. Edited by Harvey Arden. One B&W photo of Peltier. Condition: UNREAD, but not perfect, 2000 St. Martin's Trade paperback, 5th printing. Remainder mark bottom edges. First 3 pages are "clipped" - no text involved and no idea why. Content: Part manifesto, part memoir, a standout collection by the celebrated, long-imprisoned American Indian Movement co-founder and activist. Peltier, a Sioux Indian, has been in federal prison since 1977, convicted of killing two FBI agents during the 1973 siege at Wounded Knee, S.D. Peltier asserts that he did not commit these murders, writing simply, Innocence has a single voice that can only say over and over, I didnt do it. Guilt has a thousand voices, all of them lies. (In his preface, former attorney general Ramsey Clark makes a compelling argument for why we should believe Peltier, a case also made by Peter Matthiessen in his much-litigated book In the Spirit of Crazy Horse). In this anthology, Peltier charts the course of his activism, describing his evolution from a young man on a South Dakota reservation who wanted what other young men in his circumstances wanteda car, a jobto a political organizer keenly aware of the injustices visited past and present on Americas indigenous peoples. Although he too easily falls into sloganeering (We are the voices of the earth. We speak for those who are not yet born. When you exclude us, you exclude your own conscience. We are your conscience!), Peltier has much to say about American Indian politics, a dauntingly complex set of issues; among other things, he insists that the US government follow a Canadian model in offering reparations for historical wrongs. He also advances the plausible view that the siege at Wounded Knee was a sideshow meant to disguise a deal through which a uranium-rich portion of the Pine Ridge Sioux reservation was ceded to the federal government. Writing more personally, Peltier recounts the intricacies of living behind bars. As a houseguest in hell, he writes, you learn that the devil has many mansions, and you keep shuttling between them for no known reason. An important contribution to Native American letters, sure to stir both controversy and renewed attention for Peltiers ongoing quest for freedom. [1 copy available]
$ 9.00 + $ 3.19 media shipping. International shipping available.

Price: $ 9.00
Prison Writings, Leonard Peltier

THE SIOUX INDIAN WARS: From the Powder River to the Little Big Horn
by Cyrus Townshend Brady. B&W era photos, maps, drawings, and art repros. Beautiful cover art from "The War Party" by Charles Russell. Condition: NEW 1995 Indian Head lage hardcover & DJ (in mylar jacket), third printing. DJ shows light edge wear top edge. Content: Originally published in 1909 as Indian Fights and Fighters. Reviewer: Mr. Brady takes you into the west during a time when the Native Americans were making their last stand. His exhaustive journalistic studies have given us a timeless account of what it was like to both be a Native American and a Calvary fighter during the 1870's. Although Mr. Brady attempts to take an objective view of both sides, he is biased towards the Calvary and one cannot help but to ponder the Native Americans view point as they struggle for their freedom aganist unbeatable odds. I would recommend this book to anyone! I particulary enjoy reading historical accounts and this is one of the best I have ever read." First-hand accounts. [1 copy available]
$ 8.50 + $ 3.39 media shipping. International shipping available by arrangement - email us.

Price: $ 8.50
Sioux Indian Wars, Cyrus Brady

THE STORY OF YELLOW LEAF: Journal of a Sioux Girl [Pop-Up & Lift-The-Flap]
by Grvin Mortimer. Wonderful, accurate color illustrations by Tony Morris. Paper engineering by Linda Birkinshaw. Condition: NEW 2008 Barrons large hardcover (pictorial boards - No DJ issued), first printing. Content: In a compelling story and a series of elaborate illustrations on two-page spreads, a young Sioux girl tells about life on the Dakota grasslands during the 1860s and '70s. Her name, Yellow Leaf, was given to her because she was born in autumn, when the trees were bright with yellow leaves. All of the large color illustrations are embellished with flaps for young readers to lift and see, for instance - Family life inside a tipi (or wigwam); A Sioux boy learning to hunt with bow and arrow; Yellow Leaf and her sister sledding down a snowy slope; White prospectors panning for gold on land belonging to the Sioux. Young readers learn about everyday activities in the Sioux camp, and find out how the Sioux' lives were disrupted by white settlers between 1874 and 1876. The story ends on an elegiac note, following the Sioux victory over General Custer at Little Big Horn. The military disaster prompted the U.S. Government to force the Sioux out of their home territory and onto agencies - or reservations. But before their departure, Yellow Leaf and her brother leave their mark on their land by carving their family history on a large rock. The pop ups are teriffic and large. The flaps are educational and even include the Laramie Treaty. Very nice all around. [1 copy available]
$ 9.79 + $ 3.39 media shipping. International shipping by arrangement - please email us.

Price: $ 9.79
Story of Yellow Leaf, Sioux child

by David London. Condition: NEW 1998 Bison Books Trade Paperback, first printing. Content: Taking an actual historical event--the 1971 occupation of Mount Rushmore by 20 members of the American Indian Movement (AIM)--and moving it to the present day, David London has created a bleak and mystical first novel. The AIM members were protesting the U.S. Government's violations of the 1868 Laramie Treaty, which granted the Black Hills of South Dakota to the Sioux, but their brave, foolhardy protest was quickly suppressed by the federal government. Narrator Joey Moves Camp has doubts about the old ways, although he speaks Lakota and pierced his flesh and did the sun dance before leaving for his tour in Vietnam. When Joey's mother dies, Joey watches his half-brother, Clement Blue Chest, begin a spiritual transformation from bitter, self-pitying drunk to tribal holy man. Joey clarifies his own beliefs as well, as he helps Clem lead their neighbors to reclaim the "sacred" Black Hills by force, including an occupation of Mt. Rushmore, and to reveal their history of betrayal and injustice to the American people. London writes with authority and vividness of various Lakota Sioux ceremonies and rituals. He's not shy about taking sides, but if his portrayals of the novel's villains - FBI agents, meddling missionaries and racist cattlemen - tend toward caricature, his look at the assortment of characters, factions and philosophies on the local reservation is convincingly nuanced. Despite occasional preachiness, this is an intelligent, sure-handed debut, told with passion and skill. Questions welcome. [1 copy available]
$ 6.75 + $ 3.19 media shipping.

Price: $ 6.75
Sun Dancer, David London

SURVIVAL OF A NOBLE RACE (Native American History)
by August Nylander. Condition: UNREAD 1991 TP (Tipi) Press paperback. Pale tanning to white cover edges and small spot front cover edge & upper back cover. Interior clean & tight. Content: History of Native Americans written by a missionary to the Lakota of South Dakota. [1 copy available]
$ 3.89 + $ 3.09 media shipping.

Price: $ 3.89
survivial of noble race

by John G. Neihardt. Cover: "Big Foot at Wounded Knee" by Oscar Howe. Condition: Gently pre-read to page 50, 1971 Bison Trade paperback, 6th printing. Pale diagonal crease front bottom cover corner with light edge wear. Content: The second volume of A Cycle of the West, dealing with the tragic defeat of the Plains Indians, includes The Song of the Indian Wars (1925) and The Song of the Messiah (1935). The former tells of "the period of migration and the last great fight for the bison pastures between the invading white race and the Sioux, the Cheyenne, and the Arapahoe," while the latter concerns "the conquered people and the worldly end of the last great dream." It closes with the battle of Wounded Knee, ending Indian resistance on the Plains. [1 copy available]
$ 1.89 + $ 3.19 media shipping.

Price: $ 1.89
Twilight of the Sioux, Neihardt

THE TWILIGHT OF THE SIOUX: The Song of the Indian Wars; The Song of the Messiah
by John G. Neihardt. Condition: UNREAD 1971 Bison Trade Paperback, second printing. Content: The second volume of A Cycle of the West, dealing with the tragic defeat of the Plains Indians, includes The Song of the Indian Wars (1925) and The Song of the Messiah (1935). The former tells of "the period of migration and the last great fight for the bison pastures between the invading white race and the Sioux, the Cheyenne, and the Arapahoe," while the latter concerns "the conquered people and the worldly end of the last great dream." It closes with the battle of Wounded Knee, ending Indian resistance on the Plains. [1 copy available]
$ 3.89 + $ 3.19 media shipping.

Price: $ 3.89
Twilight of the Sioux, Neihardt

WHERE WHITE MEN FEAR TO TREAD: Autobiography of Russell Means
by Russell Means with Marvin J. Wolf. Two B&W photo sections/B&W maps. Condition: NEW 1996 St. Martin's Griffin huge Trade Paperback, first printing. Content: Russell Means has been the symbol of Native America for many years - first as a radical activist as one of the founders of AIM (American Indian Movement) (Wounded Knee 2) and now as a film & TV star. His life and career are a study in contradiction, opposition. From condeming the US for ignoring and misrepresenting Native American history to stating that Disney's Pocahontas was "one of the finest films ever made about Native Americans," Means confounds but is never dull. Questions welcome. [1 copy available]
$ 11.49 + $ 3.49 media shipping.

Price: $ 11.49
Where White Mean Fear to Tread

WIGWAM EVENINGS: Sioux Folk Tales Retold
by Charles Eastman (Ohiyesa) and Elaine Goodale Eastman (think Adam Beach & Anna Paquin). Cover art by Paul Goble. A few B&W drawings. Condition: NEW 1990 Bison Trade Paperback, first printing. Tiny edge wear. Content: Charles Eastman, in collaboration with his wife, Elaine Goodale Eastman, has assembled in this collection a composite, condensed sampling of his tribe’s values, and presents them in a language that is at once direct and engaging. To say these allegories are ‘wise’ begs the question; they are the distilled conclusions of generations upon generations of Plains society and point to the essence of what it is to be a decent, thoughtful, respectable human being—a Sioux Tao told in prose a child of any culture, of any time, can comprehend. Eastman (Ohiyesa) (1858-1939) was a mixed-blood Sioux who became one of the best-known Indians of his time. He earned a bachelor's degree from Dartmouth and a medical degree from Boston University. From his first appointment as a physician at Pine Ridge Agency; where he witnessed the events that culminated in the Wounded Knee massacre, he sought to bring understanding between Native and non-Native Americans. He wrote eleven books, some, such as Sister to the Sioux, in collaboration with Elaine Goodale Eastman. Recommended for junion high school to adults. Questions welcome. [1 copy available]
$ 8.79 + $ 3.19 media shipping.

Price: $ 8.79
Sioux Folk Tales

WOUNDED KNEE 1973: A Personal Account
by Stanley David Lyman. Edited by Floyd O'Neil, June Lyman, and Susan McKay. Foreword by Alvin M.Josephy, Jr. B&W photo section. Condition: UNREAD 1993 Bison Trade Paperback, second printing. Tiny shelf wear. Interior clean & tight. Content: "Superintendent Lyman’s running account of the tense events of the siege, as he saw them, [supplies] one of the most important and hitherto missing perspectives of Wounded Knee II."—Alvin M. Josephy, Jr. in his foreword. This book, a diary of Stanley David Lyman, tells with gripping immediacy what went on among the besiegers. . . . Wounded Knee 1973 is an important document that provides a missing perspective to what Lyman believed was a ''revolution,'' pure and simple. But as he puts down his thoughts and emotions of those critical times, in which lives quite literally were in the balance, Lyman sees a government confused, poor communications, ignorance, bureaucratic ineptitude and intolerance to the extreme. Lyman, who was the Bureau of Indian Affairs superintendent at the Pine Ridge Reservation in 1973, gives an inside view of what happened when AIM (American Indian Movement) activists occupied the village of Wounded Knee. Photos. Map. Bibliography. Questions welcome. [1 copy available]
$ 15.00 + $ 3.19 media shipping. International shipping available.

Price: $ 15.00
Wounded Knee 1973, Lyman

For more Native American bookplates, click here

art by Deviney. Condition: NEW package of 12 bookplates made by pacaritambo books. The peel-off label stock is heavier than most bookplate materials and is matte and not glossy. They are as perfect as possible, and we feel the subject matter is much different than you can get at a big store. 3.0 wide x 4.00 high. Content: Prancing Indian Pony decked out in feathers with his portrait above. We can personalize your bookplate (the font is Enviro D) - just email us the name. Any questions, click here to email us.
$ 4.00 + $ 2.85 first class shipping. International shipping available.

Price: $ 4.00
Native American Bookplates

Comanche Trading