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American Indians Plains History Books

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by Dee Brown with Martin F. Schmitt. 120+ B&W photos, sketches and paintings. Condition: Very good 1976 Ballantine paperback first printing. Pale hinge crease with tiny tear top spine at hinge. Interior clean & tight with light tanning to page edges. Content: "A portrait of courage in the struggle that dishonored a nation." Vivid text and a unique pictorial presentation, Dee Brown introduces the men and the battles that changed an entire continent and the destiny of a nation, including: Red Cloud, The Conquest of Cochise, The Vision of Sittinig Bull, and The Ghost Dance and Wounded Knee. Here are the faces of the chiefs and the warrios, and the story of their long but futile struggle to save their bison and their elk, their earth and their sky. Note: The photos in this book are stunning and, in some cases, frightening. [1 copy available]
$ 5.59 + $ 3.19 media shipping. International shipping available.

Price: $ 5.59
Fighting Indians of West

by Douglas Foley. Condition: Gently pre-read 1996 Univ. of Pennsylvania Press Trade Paperback, second printing. Light edgewear with some markings to about page 55. Unread from that point on. Content: This is the story of Indians and whites living together in a small Iowa community. Foley's multi-layered historical account incorporates the perspectives of both the white and Mesquaki Indian groups. Using his own memories and those of his Indian and white informants, Foley takes the Mesquakis from the earliest contact through the AIM period to today's tribal-owned casino and economic independence. Worth the read! [1 copy available]
$ 4.29 + $ 3.19 media shipping.

Price: $ 4.29
The Heartland Chronicles, Foley

by Charles A. Eastman (AKA Ohiyesa). Condition: NEW 1991 University of Nebraska Press Trade Paperback . Beautiful wrap-around cover art by Paul Goble. B&W photos of Native Americans profiled. Content: Originally published in 1918, this book contains biographical vignettes of fifteen great Indian leaders, most of them Sioux and some of them, like Red Cloud and Rain-in-the-Face, friends and acquaintances of Eastman. He pays tribute to Little Wolf, the Cheyenne chief whom he knew well, and described the noble career of Chief Joseph of the Nez Perces, who received his assistance in drawing up a document of grievances presented to the government in 1897. In finely honed prose Eastman cuts to the essence of his subjects, including Crazy Horse, Sitting Bull, Spotted Tail, Little Crow, Gall, Two Strike, American Horse, Dull Knife, Roman Nose, Hole-in-the-Day, and Tamahay. [1 copy available]
$ 7.25 + $ 3.19 media shipping.

Price: $ 7.25
Indian Heroes & Great Chieftains

by George A. Dorsey. Intro by Wallace L. Chafe. Condition: NEW 1997 Univ. of Nebraska Press, first printing. This is a re-release of the 1905 ediiton. Content: First encountered by explorer Hernando de Soto in the 16th century, the Caddoan tribes, found along the Red River in present-day Arkansas and Louisiana, practiced agriculture long before they hunted buffalo. In 1903 when Dorsey was investigating their customs and beliefs, the Caddos, numbering 530, were living on a reservation in Oklahoma. The tales collected for this book (published in 1905) reflect village life, family and social relationships, connection to nature, and ceremonies. These tales vibrate with both earthly and unearthly forces. George A. Dorsey (1868–1931), an anthropologist who taught at the University of Chicago, published numerous works, including The Pawnee Mythology. [1 copy available]
$ 7.25 + $ 3.19 media shipping.

Price: $ 7.25
Traditions of the Caddo, Dorsey

WAH'KON-TAH: The Osage and the White Man's Road
by John Joseph Mathews. B&W photos and maps illustrate. Condition: While this book feels and appears new, there are a few underlinings and one note in the margin of one page. This is the 1981 Univ. of Oklahoma Press Trade Paperback, third printing. The cover color is weak so there are loss of color spots on the front and back cover panels. Interior is very tight. Content: Volume 3 in the Civilization of the American Indian Series In Wah'Kon-Tah, John Joseph Mathews relied heavily on the papers of Osage agent Major Labian J. Miles to recreate the world of the Osage during the last quarter of the Nineteenth century and first quarter of the twentieth century. Using his own experiences, Mathews stressed the spirituality, dignity, and humor of the Osages as they acculturated to the non-Indian world and adapted some of its aspects for their own use. Questions welcome. [1 copy available]
$ 5.49 + $ 3.19 media shipping.

Price: $ 5.49
Wah'Kon-Tah: Osage Indians

WARRIORS OF THE PLAINS (The Library of Native Peoples series)
by Thomas E Mails. B&W drawings by the Author. Condition: NEW 1997 Council Oaks Books Trade Paperback, first printing. Content: This books has been "culled" from Mails' Mystic Warriors of the Plains. A specialist in Northern Plains culture, Mails is known for large-format works, made especially distinctive by his own illustrations, which are now collected as art items and have also been reissued in paperback. As short, handy treatments of the Plains Indian culture for general readers, these four slim texts - the first in a series - are good compilations of accurate information on art, anthropology, religion, and history. Those who most appreciate Mails's previous work for its beautifully crafted art displayed in a generous format will be disappointed by these books (despite the instructive black-and-white illustrations - smaller format and smaller number from the large works of his), but sensitivity, accuracy, thoroughness, and even enthusiasm for the interesting lives of Native peoples survive. Mails' collection is a treasure trove of information on Plains Indians. The books detail all aspects of Plains Indian life -- ceremonial and spiritual practices, honor codes, warrior training, family and community customs, arts and crafts, and more. Each book contains 35 black and white illustrations. Questions welcome. [1 copy available]
$ 5.49 + $ 3.19 media shipping.

Price: $ 5.49
Warriors of the Plains, Thomas Mails

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art by Deviney. Condition: NEW package of 12 bookplates made by pacaritambo books. The peel-off label stock is heavier than most bookplate materials and is matte and not glossy. They are as perfect as possible, and we feel the subject matter is much different than you can get at a big store. 3.0 wide x 4.00 high. Content: Prancing Indian Pony decked out in feathers with his portrait above. We can personalize your bookplate (the font is Enviro D) - just email us the name. Any questions, click here to email us.
$ 4.00 + $ 2.85 first class shipping. International shipping available.

Price: $ 4.00
Native American Bookplates

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