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The Hopi and Zuni Tribes

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Hopi & Zuni Tribal History, Legends, Religion & Art

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BIG FALLING SNOW: A Tewa-Hopi Indian's Life and Times and the History and Traditions of His People
by Albert Yava. Edited and Annotated by Harold Courtlander. B&W maps and era photos. B&W photo section. Condition: NEW c. 1982 Univ. of New Mexico Press trade paperback, reprint. Light edge wear to the front cover fore edge. Pale shelf wear to back cover panel. Interior perfect. Content: Born in 1888 at Hano on First Mesa, Yava's long life (d. 1980) spanned a period of great change in the Hopi villages. His recollections, recorded and edited by noted folklorist and author Courlander, include reflections on frictions between past and present, descriptions of Hopi ceremonial life and social organization, and the legends, traditions, and oral histories of the Hopi people. Particularly valuable is Yava's account of the historic tensions between Hopis and Navajos. [1 copy available]
$ 16.50 + $ 3.49 media shipping.

Price: $ 16.50
Big Snow Falling, Yava

The first revelation of the Hopi's historical and religious world-view of life

by Frank Waters. B&W drawings and source material by Oswald White Bear Fredericks. Condition: UNREAD 1977 Ballantine Trade Paperback, 18th printing. Pale tanning to page edges. Content: In this strange and wonderful book, thirty elders of the ancient Hopi tribe of Northern Arizona--a people who regard themselves as the first inhabitants of America--freely reveal the Hopi worldview for the first time in written form. The Hopi kept this view a secret for countless centuries, and anthropologists have long struggled to understand it. Now they record their myths and legends, and the meaning of their religious rituals and ceremonies, as a gift to future generations. Here is a reassertion of a rhythm of life we have tragically repressed; and a reminder that we must attune ourselves to the need for inner change if we are to avert a cataclysmic rupture between our minds and hearts. One of the great classics in American anthropology. [1 copy available]
$ 7.50 + $ 3.09 media shipping. International shipping available.

Price: $ 7.50
Book of the Hopi

The First Eevelation of the Hopi's historical and religious world-view of life

by Frank Waters. B&W drawings and source material by Oswald White Bear Fredericks. Condition: UNREAD 1997 Penguin Trade Paperback edition, 13th printing. Tiny edge wear with very pale tanning to page edges. Content: In this strange and wonderful book, thirty elders of the ancient Hopi tribe of Northern Arizona--a people who regard themselves as the first inhabitants of America--freely reveal the Hopi worldview for the first time in written form. The Hopi kept this view a secret for countless centuries, and anthropologists have long struggled to understand it. Now they record their myths and legends, and the meaning of their religious rituals and ceremonies, as a gift to future generations. Here is a reassertion of a rhythm of life we have tragically repressed; and a reminder that we must attune ourselves to the need for inner change if we are to avert a cataclysmic rupture between our minds and hearts. One of the great classics in American anthropology. [1 copy available]
$ 8.50 + $ 3.09 media shipping. International shipping available.

Price: $ 8.50
Book of the Hopi, TPB

CLIMBING SUN: The Story of a Hopi Indian Boy
by Marjorie Thayer & Elizabeth Emanuel. Woodcuts by Anne Siberell. Condition: UNREAD, but not perfect, 1980 Dodd, Mead hardcover & DJ (in mylar jacket), first printing. Problem: The DJ has suffered from shelf wear - there are short tears with tiny nicks. The flaps of the DJ and the spine show tanning. Better than it sounds - but not much. Content: In the fall of 1928 an 11-year-old Indian boy leaves his Hopi village on the mesa and travels by train to the Sherman Indian Institute where he will learn the white man's ways. the boy's name was Dawa-Wufto, Climbing Sun, and his first trip on the train was taking him to day school at the foot of the mesa - where, according to law, he was given an Anglo name - Hubert. Later he was sent to the Sherman Indian Institute. Climbing Sun is a chapter in the life of Hubert Honanie. It has been fictionalized for dramatic effect, but in essence it is a true story. Hubert had been made to exchange his entire life style for the white man's. He did not realize how much that first bewildering year at Sherman had changed him until his return home for summer vacation. In 1980, Hubert lived in Pasadena and was famous for making of authentic Kachina Dolls. Young Adult. [1 copy available.]
$ 6.29 + $ 3.19 media shipping..

Price: $ 6.29
Climbing Sun: Story of Hopi Indian Boy

THE FOURTH WORLD OF THE HOPIS: The Epic Story of the Hopi Indians As Preserved in Their Legends and Traditions
by Harold Courlander. Wonderful B&W map of the Black Mesa Region. B&W decorations. Condition: UNREAD, but not perfect, 1991 University of New Mexico Press Trade Paperback, fourth printing. Pale shelfwear to the top and bottom corners of a few pages with binding wrinkle top back cover. Content: Here the noted folklorist brings together traditional accounts of epic events and adventures in the life of Hopi clans and villages, from legendary to historical times. The setting of these various adventures and events is not the Southwest as we know it today, but a vast and largely unpeopled wilderness in which clans and families wandered in search of a final living place, and in search of their collective identity. Notes, a pronunciation guide, and a glossary enhance the reader’s appreciation of the text. [1 copy available]
$ 7.89 + $ 3.09 media shipping. Priority & International shipping available.

Price: $ 7.89
Fourth World of the Hopis

HOPI SNAKE CEREMONIES: An eyewitness account
by Jesse Walter Fewkes. Wonderful B&W era photos and drawings illustrate. Condition: NEW 2000 Avanyu large soft cover, reprint. Content: The Hopi Snake dance was first described in 1884 and through many articles over the last 100 years has become one of the best known of all aboriginal American Indian ceremonies. Yet, despite its notoriety, it was, and continues to be, little understood by those who are not Hopi Indians. Visitors to the Hopi’s remote reservation in the Arizona desert watch in amazement as members of the Hopi Snake Society, males of all ages, dance with living rattlesnakes clenched between their teeth. The ceremony ensures plenty of spring water and abundant rain for the maturing crops, and dramatizes the legend of the Snake Clan as the Snake Priests wash the snakes ritually, and carry them in their teeth during the public dance. This revised edition of the classic Bureau of American Ethnology reports from 1894-98 includes a new preface from the publisher, and additional period photographs of the ceremony. [2 copies available]
$ 21.79 + $ 3.19 media shipping International shipping available upon arrangement.

Price: $ 21.79
Hopi Snake Ceremonies

INDIAN VILLAGES OF THE SOUTHWEST: A Practical Guide to the Pueblo Indian Villages of New Mexico and Arizona
by Buddy Mays. B&W maps & photos (most by the Author) illustrate. Condition: UNREAD 1986 Chronicle Books soft cover, 4th printing. Light edge wear. Content: Taos, Cochiti, Tesuque, Nambe, Oraibi, Picuris, Shipaulovi, Zia - these are the present-day homes of the "Children of the Ancients," living descendants of the great city builders of the prehistoric Southwest. Their sxmall villages, scattered along the river courses and across the mesa tops of New Mexico and Arizona, are bastions of North America's endemic Indian culture. Surrounded by foreign cultures for several centuries, these determined villagers have borrowed useful aspects of Anglo and Hispanic culture while rigidly maintaning theier own traditions. The Author gives his readers a brief history of these remarkable people, outlines the attractions and special restrictions of each village, lists the dates of feast days and other festivals, and suggests the best values in village arts and crafts. While this book is an "older" book, most of what has changed since publication is that many of these "villages" now have casinos. Questions welcome. [1 copy available]
$ 4.59 + $ 3.19 media shipping.

Price: $ 4.59
Indian Villages of the Southwest

JOURNEY TO HOPI LAND (Look West series)
by Anna Silas. Wonderful selection and mixture of B&W era photos and color photos of today. Map of Hopi lands for the end pages. Condition: NEW 2006 Rio Nueva small hardcover (pictorial boards) & DJ (in mylar jacket), first printing. Small discoloration inside bottom edge of DJ - can't be seen and pale, but there. Content: Welcome to Hopi Land: turquoise skies, sun-washed pueblos, traditional lifeways, and modern people. Visit the land, art, and culture of the Hopi people, with Anna Silas, director of the Hopi Cultural Center Museum, as your guide. Hopi Land, located in northern Arizona, encompasses three spectacular mesas surrounded by 1.6 million acres of tutsqua, or homeland. Here the Hopi people have lived continuously since A.D. 500, following a way of life based on humility, cooperation, respect, and earth stewardship. Throughout this beautifully illustrated book, historical and cultural information comes to life in vintage and contemporary photographs. Illustrations also showcase world-famous Hopi arts and crafts, including pottery, textiles, jewelry, basketry, architecture, painting, and woodcarvings of divine ancestral spirits called katsinam. Anna Silas is Tewa-Hopi and a member of the Tobacco Clan. A resident of First Mesa, Arizona, she has managed the Hopi Cultural Center Museum since 1990. 64 pages. [1 copy available]
$ 6.19 + $ 3.09 media shipping. Priority & International shipping available on arrangement - email us.

Price: $ 6.19
Journey to Hopi Land

by John D. Loftin. Photo from the Mathers Museum of World Cultures. Condition: UNREAD 1994 Indiana Univ. Press Trade Paperback, second printing. 4-5 page fore edges have a very slight shelf wear "crinkle" - working on that. Very pale short hinge crease from price being placed inside. Interior clean & tight. Much better than it sounds. Content: For the Hopi, land, religion, and life are one. For them, the practical activities of daily life are suffused with religious significance. Religious rituals, in turn, have practical ends, such as securing adequate rain, sufficient crops, good health, and long life. In this book, Loftin looks at the Hopi's timeless merging of the sacred and the profane as a student of religion. He explores twentieth-century Hopi religious history and cultural change by focusing on the interplay between Hopi myth and history, timelessness and the experience of time, continuity and change. He examines the tension between the Hopi's traditional, mythical religious orientation and the profound historical changes which the Hopi have witnessed during the past century. Questions welcome. [1 copy available]
$ 13.49 + $ 3.19 media shipping Priority & International shipoping available.

Price: $ 13.49
Religion & Hopi Life in 20th Century, Loftin

by Tom Bahti. Revised in 1982 by his son, Mark Bahti. Beautiful color photos and artwork. Condition: NEW 1982 KC Publications large soft cover (stapled wraps), revised edition, no printing given. Content: This is a wonderful book. The ceremonies are described and often accompanied by a drawing or photograph. The ceremonies are divided the Pueblos and by Tribes. There are also many B&W era photos of the rites. Excellent, IMHO. [1 copy available]
$ 7.50 + $ 3.19 media shipping. International shipping available by arrangement - email us

Price: $ 7.50
Southwestern Indian Ceremonials
Southwestern Indian Ceremonials

by Peter F. Copeland. B&W "ready-to-color" drawings illustrate. Condition: UNREAD 1994 Dover soft cover, no printing given. Content: Detailed, carefully researched illustrations depict Native Americans from the 1840s to 1980s: Pima basket maker, Navajo medicine man and braves, Hopi pottery makers, Acoma woman baking bread, Pueblo flute player, modern Yuma woman and child, tribal drum makers of the Taos pueblo, Zuni turquoise driller and more. Descriptive captions included. Excellent for classrooms. [1 copy available]
$ 3.79 + $ 3.19 media shipping. Priority shipping available.

Price: $ 3.79
Southwest Indians Coloring Book

SUN CHIEF: The Autobiography of a Hopi Indian
by Don C. Talayesva. Edited by Leo W. Simmons. Foreword by Robert V. Hine. B&W photos & drawings illustrate. Condition: Very Good 1970 Yale Western Americana Trade Paperback, 9th printing. Small edgewear with pale hinge crease. Pen & ink underlining and notes to page 8 and then the book was abandoned & unread. Originally published in 1942. Content: Don Talayesva of Oraibi, Arizona, the Sun Chief, was an individual caught between two cultures. He was born, and reared until he was ten, as a Hopi Indian, and then trained until twenty to be an American citizen. This is an excellent account of the life of a Hopi man during a time of great change. Talayesva was born in 1890 and the book covers his life up to 1940. This was a period of great change for the Hopi in the pueblo of Oraibi. Talayesva lived through the great social conflict that caused the split of the village and the aftermath of that split, as the traditional ways at Oraibi were steadily eroded by the white Christian government, settlers, tourists, and missionaries. Talayesva's account of his life is an important and lasting record of the hard life of the traditional Hopi people. Unfortunately, nobody has taken the time to complete the account of Talayesva's life Questions welcome. [1 copy available]
$ 9.49 + $ 3.09 media shipping. Priority & International shipping available.

Price: $ 9.49
Sun Chief, Hopi

ZUNI FETISHES: Using Native American Objects for Meditation, Reflection, and Insight
by Hal Zina Bennett, Ph.D. B&W drawings. Condition: NEW 1994 HarperSanFrancisco large soft cover, 6th printing. Content: The Zuni have traditionally used small stone carvings of animal figures as power objects and mediators between themselves and the spirit world. Any object that has special meaning can be used as a fetish. In this fascinating, informative, and beautifully illustrated guide to the fetishes of the Zuni people of New Mexico, Hal Zina Bennett explores key principles of Native American spirituality and how early Zuni teachings can benefit us all today. He provides an excellent guide to Zuni traditions and an intriguing picture of their early life, along with detailed instructions for using fetishes for mediation, reflection, and insight in modern life. He describes key fetish figures, including the Guardian of the Six Regions, their legendary meanings, and the personal qualities each figure can support and help its owner develop. In explaining the nature of fetishes and the psychological and spiritual benefits that we can gain from their use, Bennett provides illuminating cross-cultural comparisons, stimulating exercises, and journaling opportunities. [1 copy available]
$ 5.69 + $ 3.19 media shipping. Priority & International shipping available.

Price: $ 5.69
Zuni Fetishes, Bennett

ZUNI FETISHES (Facsimile Edition)
by Frank Hamilton Cushing. B&W photos illustrate. Introduction & notes by Tom Bahti. Condition: NEW 1994 KC Publications soft cover (stapled wraps), tenth printing. Content: Fetishes are carvings believed to have a spirit within, which can help the owner if used properly and respectfully. They may be used for hunting, the diagnosis and cure of disease, initiations, war, gambling, propagation, spells, and good fortune and usually bear the resemblance of an animal. Frank Hamilton Cushing's classic book offers insight into Zuni worship ceremonies and life. [1 copy available]
$ 5.69 + $ 3.09 media shipping. International & Priority shipping available.

Price: $ 5.69
Zuni Fetishes, Cushing
Zuni Fetishes, Cushing

by Ruth F. Kirk. B&W photos illustrate. Cover art by Don Eisenhour. Condition: NEW 1988 Avanyu Publishing soft cover, first printing. Content: This material is primarily articles reprinted from El Palacio plus some new material. This work, which studies 25 different pieces from ten categories of fetishes, provides significant insight into the life and minds of the Zuni people. [1 copy available]
$ 4.69 + $ 3.09 media shipping. Priority & International shipping available.

Price: $ 4.69
Zuni Fetishism, Kirk

art by unknown artist. Condition: NEW package of 12 bookplates made by pacaritambo books. The peel-off label stock is heavier than most bookplate materials and is matte and not glossy. They are as perfect as possible, and we feel the subject matter is much different than you can get at a big store. 3.2 wide x 4.00 high. Content: Assorted Southwestern tribal pottery samples and designs - Anasazi, Zuni, Hopi, etc. We can personalize your bookplate (the font is Binner D) - just email us the name. Any questions, click here to email us.
$ 4.00 + $ 2.85 first class shipping. International shipping available.

Price: $ 4.00
Native American Bookplates

Native Sun