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Southwestern Native American History Books

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by Bertha P. Dutton. B&W photo section; B&W maps. Condition: NEW 1994 Univ. of New Mexico Press Trade Paperback, revised & enlarged edition, fourth printing. Content: This is a fine introductory reference tool. The clearly written straightforward text offers a comprehensive survey of the history, traditions, contemporary life, economic conditions, geography, and cultural organization of each tribe. Dutton included the major divisions of Pueblo, Athabaskan, Ute, Paiute, and Rancheria peoples, and is cognizant of their differences, as well as the ways in which they have influenced each other. The maps, photographs, and calendar of event would prove useful for those who plan to visit the area, and the extensive bibliography is a good starting point for further study. Questions welcome. [1 copy available]
$ 7.59 + $ 3.19 media shipping. Priority & International shipping available.

Price: $ 7.59
American Indians of the Southwest, Dutton

by Dorothy Smith Sides. B&W patterns. Condition: NEW Dover 1961 edition Trade Paperback, no printing given. Tiny edgewear. Content: Reviewer: "Nice basic reference book of documented southwest native american designs, primarialy focused on pottery designs. Some blanket and doll designs included as well. All renderings are black/white with reference to documentation. Great for art design projects for basic southwest decor. Designs are referenced to tribe and area and a little history included. Not a very indepth book, but a good basic starter for the southwest artist." Originally published in 1936. Questions welcome. [1 copy available]
$ 6.89 + $ 3.09 media shipping.

Price: $ 6.89
Decorative Art of the SW Indians

FRIAR BRINGAS REPORTS TO THE KING: Methods of Indoctrination on the Frontier of New Spain 1796-97
by Father Miguel Bringas de Manzaneda y Encinas, O.F.M. Translated & Edited by Daniel S. Matson and Bernard L. Fontana. B&W maps & decorations. Condition: NEW 1977 Univ. of Arizona Press Trade Paperback edition, no printing given. Most likely this book was produced in the 80s - 90s. The color on the cover is weak - several small rubbings front cover. Interior perfect. Content: When Friar Bringas penned his report on conditions in northwestern New Spain, he was imbued with an enthusiastic drive for reform. Hoping to gain the King of Spain's support in improving the missionary program, Bringas set down a detailed history of all that had happened in the region since Father Kino's day. His writings offer a valuable firsthand stufy of Spanish attempts to direct culture change among the Piman Indians. He carefully explained various missionary and secular policies, laws, and regulations. He pointed out why, in his opinion, Spanish efforts to convert the Pkman Indians had failed. He also provided a report of the orders establishing the ill-fated Yuma missions. His fascinating account of the Gila River Pimas is one of the most complete ethnographic descriptions of the time. This is an important study of Spain's attemps to assimilate the Indians. It offers a deeper understanding of the history of the Pimeria Alta. Fascinating! [1 copy available]
$ 10.00 + $ 3.19 media shipping. Priority & International shipping available.

Price: $ 10.00
Friar Bringas Reports to the King (of Spain)

FRIAR BRINGAS REPORTS TO THE KING: Methods of Indoctrination on the Frontier of New Spain 1796-97
by Father Miguel Bringas de Manzaneda y Encinas, O.F.M. Translated & Edited by Daniel S. Matson and Bernard L. Fontana. B&W maps & decorations. Condition: Gently pre-read (to about page 20) 1977 Univ. of Arizona Press Trade Paperback edition, no printing given. Most likely this book was produced in the 80s - 90s. The color on the cover is weak - several small rubbings front cover. Interior clean & tight. Content: When Friar Bringas penned his report on conditions in northwestern New Spain, he was imbued with an enthusiastic drive for reform. Hoping to gain the King of Spain's support in improving the missionary program, Bringas set down a detailed history of all that had happened in the region since Father Kino's day. His writings offer a valuable firsthand stufy of Spanish attempts to direct culture change among the Piman Indians. He carefully explained various missionary and secular policies, laws, and regulations. He pointed out why, in his opinion, Spanish efforts to convert the Pkman Indians had failed. He also provided a report of the orders establishing the ill-fated Yuma missions. His fascinating account of the Gila River Pimas is one of the most complete ethnographic descriptions of the time. This is an important study of Spain's attemps to assimilate the Indians. It offers a deeper understanding of the history of the Pimeria Alta. Fascinating! [1 copy available]
$ 8.00 + $ 3.19 media shipping. Priority & International shipping available.

Price: $ 8.00
Friar Bringas Reports to the King (of Spain)

collected by John Peabody Harrington. B&W photos. Condition: NEW 1989 Ancient City Press Trade Paperback, second printing. B&W photos and "sheet music" illustrate. Musical transcriptions by Helen H. Roberts. Edited by Marta Weigle. Content: Picuris Pueblo Indian Rosendo Vargas told these 21 tales and 7 folkways accounts of birth, death, hunting, and other customs and sang the 11 songs to linguist JOhn Peabody Harrington around 1918. Harrington translated them from the Northern Tiwa dialect and ethnomusicologist Helen Roberts provided musical transcriptions (included here) for a 1928 publication of the Smithsonian Institution's Bureau of American Ethnology. Characters in these engrossing, English-language stories include Giants, Elf, Fish Maiden, Morning Star, Corn Maidens, Shell Hat, Butterflies, Magpietail Boy, Old Coyote, Dove Maidens, Fawns, Big Nostril, Snakes and others. Afterword by folklorist Marta Weigle. [1 copy available]
$ 4.79 + $ 2.94 media shipping. Priority & International shipping available.

Price: $ 4.79
Indian Tales Picuris

collected by John Peabody Harrington. B&W photos. Condition: NEW 1989 Ancient City Press Trade Paperback, second printing. B&W photos and "sheet music" illustrate. Musical transcriptions by Helen H. Roberts. Edited by Marta Weigle. Content: Picuris Pueblo Indian Rosendo Vargas told these 21 tales and 7 folkways accounts of birth, death, hunting, and other customs and sang the 11 songs to linguist JOhn Peabody Harrington around 1918. Harrington translated them from the Northern Tiwa dialect and ethnomusicologist Helen Roberts provided musical transcriptions (included here) for a 1928 publication of the Smithsonian Institution's Bureau of American Ethnology. Characters in these engrossing, English-language stories include Giants, Elf, Fish Maiden, Morning Star, Corn Maidens, Shell Hat, Butterflies, Magpietail Boy, Old Coyote, Dove Maidens, Fawns, Big Nostril, Snakes and others. Afterword by folklorist Marta Weigle. [1 copy available]
$ 4.79 + $ 2.94 media shipping. Priority & International shipping available.

Price: $ 4.79
Picuris Pueblo

INDIAN VILLAGES OF THE SOUTHWEST: A Practical Guide to the Pueblo Indian Villages of New Mexico and Arizona
by Buddy Mays. B&W maps & photos (most by the Author) illustrate. Condition: UNREAD 1986 Chronicle Books soft cover, 4th printing. Light edge wear. Content: Taos, Cochiti, Tesuque, Nambe, Oraibi, Picuris, Shipaulovi, Zia - these are the present-day homes of the "Children of the Ancients," living descendants of the great city builders of the prehistoric Southwest. Their sxmall villages, scattered along the river courses and across the mesa tops of New Mexico and Arizona, are bastions of North America's endemic Indian culture. Surrounded by foreign cultures for several centuries, these determined villagers have borrowed useful aspects of Anglo and Hispanic culture while rigidly maintaning theier own traditions. The Author gives his readers a brief history of these remarkable people, outlines the attractions and special restrictions of each village, lists the dates of feast days and other festivals, and suggests the best values in village arts and crafts. While this book is an "older" book, most of what has changed since publication is that many of these "villages" now have casinos. Questions welcome. [1 copy available]
$ 4.59 + $ 3.19 media shipping.

Price: $ 4.59
Indian Villages of the Southwest

by Theodora Kroeber. B&W illustrations by Ruth Robbins. Condition: UNREAD 1989 Bantam Starfire paperback, 18th printing. Tiny edgewear and pale tanning to page edges. Content: The Yahi lived peacefully in California for hundreds of years - until they were violently wiped out by the invading white man in the early 1900s. Only a few bold Yahi escaped into hiding, among them the man who became known as Ishi. Soon, one by one, the last of the Yahi died - until Ishi was left alone, the sole survivor of a pround people. When he stumbled into a small California mining town, the world learned his true story for the first time. This is the incredible story of the last hero of the Yahi tribe, and how he brought to civilization all the courage, faith, and strength of the Yahi Way of Life. The movie with the great Graham Greene as Ishi is wonderful! [1 copy available]
$ 1.95 + $ 2.94 media shipping. Priority & International shipping available.

Price: $ 1.95
Ishi, Last of His Tribe

ISHI IN TWO WORLDS: A Biography of the Last Wild Indian in North America
by Theodora Kroeber. B&W maps & photo section. Condition: UNREAD, but not perfect, 1961 University of California Press Trade Paperback edition, 18th printing. Small edgewear. Content: The Yahi lived peacefully in California for hundreds of years - until they were violently wiped out by the invading white man in the early 1900s. Only a few bold Yahi escaped into hiding, among them the man who became known as Ishi. Soon, one by one, the last of the Yahi died - until Ishi was left alone, the sole survivor of a pround people. When he stumbled into a small California mining town, the world learned his true story for the first time. This is the incredible story of the last hero of the Yahi tribe, and how he brought to civilization all the courage, faith, and strength of the Yahi Way of Life. The movie with the great Graham Greene as Ishi is wonderful! [1 copy available]
$ 3.75 + $ 3.09 media shipping. Priority & International shipping available.

Price: $ 3.75
Ishi in Two Worlds

translated by Leanne Hinton. Adorable color illustrations by Susan Roth. Condition: NEW 1992 Sunburst soft cover, first printing. Content: In 1911, when a lone California Indian walked out of hiding in the hills, ethnographers and anthropologists had one chance to study the culture of the Yahi people. Ishi was the only living member of his tribe; his family had been killed by whites for their scalps. Although it is arguable that the scientists exploited him, they did record a treasure trove of cultural information, including traditional stories of his people, some of which have been translated here for children. This picture book is a composite of stories about Lizard: how he makes arrows, saves his friend from a hungry bear, and leads a group of Dwarf women in a dance. The oral nature of these tales has been honored in this scholarly translation; lines repeat as a refrain, and the rhythm of the language is strong. "Lizard's work of making arrows is interrupted when Long-Tailed Lizard goes to get him more foreshaft wood and is eaten by Grizzly Bear." [1 copy available]
$ 5.29 + $ 3.09 media shipping. Priority & International shipping available.

Price: $ 5.29
Ishi's Tale of Lizard, Yahi folklore

by Roy Bedichek, foreword by W. W. Newcomb. Condition: UNREAD (but not perfect) 1983 University of Texas Press, second ediiton, second printing Trade Paperback. Binding glue wrinkle down spine with tiny edgewear & very light tanning to white cover edges. B&W drawings & maps. CONTENT: Karankaway Country focuses on a strip of coastal prairie lying roughly between Corpus Christi and Galveston that was once inhabited by the Karankawa Indians whose bands, identified in early historic times, included the Capoques (Coaques, Cocos), Kohanis, Kopanes (Copanes), and Karankawa proper (Carancaquacas). This tribe also practiced cannibalism as part of their warfare rituals. They were exterminated c. 1858. [2 copies available]
$ 8.59 + $ 3.19 media shipping. Priority & International shipping available.

Price: $ 8.59
Karankaway Country

KOKOPELLI: Casanova of the Cliff Dwellers - The Hunchbacked Flute Player
by John V. Young. Great B&W drawings and photos illustrate. Condition: NEW 1990 Filter Press Trade Paperback, no printing given. Content: This is an introduction to the Southwest's most famous and interesting character - Kokopelli. The author gives us the myths, locations of the petroglyphs, and how he is viewed/used today. Not in-depth, but worth the read. Questions welcome. [1 copy available.]
$ 4.59 + $ 3.09 media shipping. Priority & International shipping available.

Price: $ 4.59
Kokopelli Casanova of the Cliff Dwellwers

by Stephen W. Hill. Beautiful color illustrations by Robert Montoya. Condition: Good only, 1995 Kiva over-sized soft cover, first printing. The cover shows shelf wear in the form of creases to the cover edges, but the interior is clean. Content: Reviewer: "Hill acquaints the reader with images of Kokopelli as hunter, warrior, healer, gambler, fertility bringer, and even mythological insect who appears in some Native American accounts of the Creation, by presenting a broad review of the available literature on the topic. Wisely, he presents Kokopelli's multiple manifestations without seeking to narrow them to a definitive representation that would deny the complexity of the image. His smart narrative contains a mine of information that yields a pocketful of nice nuggets with each perusal; and his readable style turns them up without a lot of digging. In stunning visual images that complement the text, Montoya presents Kokopelli as an avatar figure who both generously offers and thankfully celebrates the receipt of the gifts of a bountiful earth. To Hill's scholarly analysis, Montoya adds the cultural insights of one steeped in the kind of ceremonialism from which Kokopelli likely first emerged, and the imagination of a skilled contemporary artist. Their collaboration is a complimentary one in which the text illuminates the paintings, and the visual images add an intuitive content that transcends the text.." Questions welcome. [1 copy available]
$ 4.59 + $ 3.49 media shipping.

Price: $ 4.59
Kokopelli Ceremonies

LIFE IN THE PUEBLOS (AKA Workaday Life of the Pueblos)
by Ruth Underhill. B&W photos and drawings. Beautiful cover art by Jemez artist Vidal Casiquito. Condition: NEW 1991 Ancient City Press Trade Paperback, first printing. Perfect. Content: Originally published in 1946 as Workaday Life of the Pueblos by the Bureau of Indian Affairs. This edition is "edited" and possibly "revised" (the book itself does not state it is "revised", but other sources do state it), but there is no detail about what has been edited or revised. Nevertheless, this is a book worth reading as an intimate look at daily life of the Pueblo Indians, past and present, describing their food, shelter, clothing, games, and other aspects of their existence. Questions welcome - enlightenment on this book also welcome. [2 copies available]
$ 4.29 + $ 3.19 media shipping. Priority & International shipping available.

Price: $ 4.29
Life in the Puebloes

MAKERS AND MARKETS: The Wright Collection of Twentieth-Century Native American Art
by Patricia Capone & Penelope Ballard Drooker. Color and B&W photos of art objects. Condition: NEW 1998 Peabody Museum/Univ. New Mexico Press large soft cover, no printing given. While this is a museum catalog, it is also a true look at collecting art. Content: The decades of the 1960s, '70s, and '80s were a time of growth and change in producing, marketing, and collecting Native American artwork and craftwork. During this time William R. Wright amassed a collection notable for its broad representation of twentieth-century Native American products. Focusing on the Southwest, he included contemporary Pueblo ceramics, Navajo and Hopi textiles, Navajo, Hopi, and Zuni jewelry, and baskets from some forty different Native American groups. The objects Wright gathered, which are now part of the collections of the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, reflect developments in the intersecting worlds of makers, markets, and collectors, including the challenges faced by makers to successfully balance tradition and innovation in their work and their lives. This volume examines selected objects from the Wright collection to explore the market-influenced environment of modern Native American makers and their work, from what some consider the low end of tourist art multiples to the high end of unique, signed fine art objects. [1 copy available]
$ 6.49 + $ 3.49 media shipping.

Price: $ 6.49
Makers & Markets: Southwestern Art

MOJAVE POTTERY, MOJAVE PEOPLE: The Dillingham Collection of Mojave Ceramics
by Jill Leslie Furst. Colo photos by Peter Furst. Many B&W era photos of the Mojave People. Condition: NEW 2001 School of American Research large soft cover, no printing given. Excellent paper - very heavy book. Content: Despite the centrality of ceramics to Mojave culture, Mojave pottery is virtually unknown today. Museums have mostly small, unrepresentative, and largely undocumented collections, and the works have received little attention from scholars and collectors.This comprehensive volume brings to light the wondrously inventive clay people, mythological creatures, and effigy vessels of the Mojave people, recording this Southwest Indian ceramic art in more than 50 full-color plates, 25 color and black-and-white illustrations, and a complete catalog of the Dillingham Collection of Mojave Ceramics, one of the largest and most complete Mojave assemblages in the world, at the Indian Arts Research Center of the School of American Research. Jill Leslie Furst takes an ethnohistorical approach here, drawing on written literature about the tribe that ranges from seventeenth-century Spanish documents to ethnographic accounts from the 1970s. The stories of the Mojaves-along with descriptions of family life, gender roles, subsistence activities, clothing and personal adornment, shamanism, and the afterlife-form the context for Furst's exploration of the Mojave ceramic tradition. Questions welcome. [1 copy available]
$ 8.59 + $ 3.49 media shipping. International shipping available upon request - email us.

Price: $ 8.59
Mojave Pottery, Mojave People

compiled & edited by Katharine Berry Judson. Introduction by Peter Iverson. B&W photos & drawings. Condition: NEW 1996 Bison Books Trade Paperback, second printing. Content: These collected myths of Indian tribes in California and the Southwest were first published in 1912 and are introduced in this Bison Book edition by Peter Iverson. Here are the Zuni, Pima, Paiute, Shastika, and Miwok stories of the creation of the universe, animals, and humans. They tell of good and evil, the entrance of death into the world, great floods and fire, and the origins of names. Also included are fables, rain songs, the Paiute song of the Ghost Dance, and legends of Yosemite Valley. We find here the Zuni legends of Corn Maidens and the Navajo tale of the boy who became a god. Coyote in his guises as trickster, benefactor, and dupe appears prominently in the myths of the Achomawis, Gallinomeros, Miwoks, Nishinams, Pimas, Ashochimis, Karoks, Paiutes, and Sias (Zia Pueblos). Here, too, are such creators and destroyers as Old Mole, Spider, Snake, Measuring Worm, Raven, and Macaw, and a host of anthropomorphized animals and natural forces. [1 copy available]
$ 6.49 + $ 3.09 media shipping. Priority & International shipping available.

Price: $ 6.49
Myths & Legends California & Old Southwest

by Ruth Underhill. B&W maps and photos illustrate. Condition: Gently pre-read, IF at all, Waveland Trade Paperback, 10th printing. Problems: light edge wear with pale diagonal crease top front cover corner (shelf wear). Interior clean & tight, but may have been read - hard to tell on this one. Content: A valued classic by a foremost female anthropologist! Underhill's fine ethnographic work gives us at least a glimpse into a time that will not come again, yet a time that will forever shape the future. Her approach is reverential, without being too sentimental. The study of culture is enriched by Underhill's writings, and the life history presented in Papago Woman stands clear as an excellent example of her devotion to her subject. "Hardly at any point was this life touched by our white standards of existence. From the beginning to end it has run a different current, filled with achievements, with joys and sorrows that arose out of the substance of life among her people. Her story--whether she is telling of being given to a husband she has never seen, or of her father s adopting his enemy s scalp into the household, or of the village ceremonials--sacrifices nothing of the accuracy of an ethnologist's formal account; but it has also what the latter can hardly attain--the breath of life." Questions welcome. [1 copy available]
$ 2.29 + $ 3.09 media shipping. Priority & International shipping available.

Price: $ 2.29
Papago Woman, Underhill

PEOPLE OF LEGEND: Native Americans of the Southwest
color photos & text by John Annerino. Beautiful photos. Condition: UNREAD 1997 Sierra Club large hardcover & DJ (in mylar jacket), first printing. Light edge wear tp DJ ede. Content: This book by acclaimed photojournalist and author John Annerino is a stunning and evocative portrait of Native America and the mystical landscapes they call home. "This largely photographic essay...offers a rare glimpse of coming of age ceremonies and feasts, and vivid re-enactments of ancient dances." Contents: People of the Mountains (Apache/Nde); People of the Sierra (Mountain Pima/O'ob); People of the Desert (Papago/Tohono O'oodham); People of the Rivers (Pima/Akimel O'odham) (Mohavae/Makhav) (Hualapai/Hwalapay); People of the Mesa (Navajo/Dine); A Gathering of Nations. Spectacular! Questions welcome. [1 copy available]
$ 4.29 + $ 3.29 media shipping. International shipping available by arrangement - email us.

Price: $ 4.29
People of the Legend

by Victor Mindeleff. Intro by Peter Nabokov. B&W photos, maps, & drawings illustrate. Condition: UNREAD, but not perfect, 1989 Smithsonian Press Trade Paperback, reissue, first printing. Very light edge wear. Content: This book reprints the highly praised ground-breaking findings of Mindeleff, who worked with and learned from the pioneers of southwestern ethnography from 1881 to 1889. First published in 1891 as the Eighth Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology. Questions welcome. [1 copy available]
$ 9.49 + $ 3.19 media shipping. Priority shipping available.

Price: $ 9.49
Study of Pueblo Architecture, Mindeleff

QUEEN OF DREAMS: the Story of a Yaqui Dreaming Woman
by Heather Valencie & Rolly Kent. Condition: UNREAD 1993 Fireside Trade Paperback, first edition, first printing. Has small edgewear and marks of poor shelving. Content: The autobiography of Heather Valencia's journey among the Yaqui people of Southern Arizona, her passionate affair and marriage to spiritual leader Anselmo Valencia, and her discovery of the rich Yaqui spiritual tradition. [1 copy available]
$ 5.50 + $ 3.19 media shipping. Priority & International shipping available.

Price: $ 5.50
Queen of Dreams, Yaqui

THE SERPENT'S TONGUE: Prose, Poetry, and Art of the New Mexico Pueblos
edited by Nancy Wood. Beautiful color paintings & photos with B&W era photos illustrate. Condition: UNREAD 1997 Dutton Books large hardcover (pictorial boards) [11.5 x 9.8 x 1 - 256 pages) & DJ (in mylar jacket), first edition, first printing. Content: This accomplished and wide-ranging anthology brings together primary-source accounts, poetry, legends, recipes, reminiscences, and beautifully reproduced art and photographs to chronicle the tribes' history. Divided into eight sections, the handsome, oversized volume covers creation myths, childhood, the given truths of the tribes, spiritual beliefs, the actual pueblos, hunting, ceremonies and courtship, and the meeting of the Pueblo with outside worlds. The writings have been meticulously chosen from an array of Native and non-Indian sources including those of prominent anthropologists. N. Scott Momaday, Willa Cather, Barry Lopez, D. H. Lawrence, Edward S. Curtis, and Tony Hillerman are a few of the better-known names that appear. Add to this mix a stunning array of artwork that includes photogravures, paintings, archival reproductions, drawings, and sculpture, and the result is a clear revelation of the world of New Mexican Native Americans. Students of all ages will find the book interesting browsing material, if only for the art. The retold myths especially lend themselves well to oral presentation. The extensive bibliography and notes on contributors, art, and literary sources make this is an indispensable resource for collections where the Pueblo tribes are a focus [2 copies available]
$ 12.50 + $ 4.89 media shipping.

Price: $ 12.50
Serpent's Tongue, New Mexico Pueblos

by Tom Bahti. Revised in 1982 by his son, Mark Bahti. Beautiful color photos and artwork. Condition: NEW 1982 KC Publications large soft cover (stapled wraps), revised edition, no printing given. Content: This is a wonderful book. The ceremonies are described and often accompanied by a drawing or photograph. The ceremonies are divided the Pueblos and by Tribes. There are also many B&W era photos of the rites. Excellent, IMHO. [1 copy available]
$ 7.50 + $ 3.19 media shipping. International shipping available by arrangement - email us

Price: $ 7.50
Southwestern Indian Ceremonials
Southwestern Indian Ceremonials

by Lesley Poling-Kempes. Loaded with B&W era photos. Condition: UNREAD 1999 Univ. of Arizona Press trade paperback, second printing. Content: North by northwest from old Santa Fe is the winding road to Abiquiu (ah-be-cue'), Ghost Ranch, and el Valle de la Piedra Lumbre, the Valley of Shining Stone: mythical names in a near-mythical place, captured for the ages in the famous paintings of Georgia O'Keeffe. O'Keeffe saw the magic of sandstone cliffs and turquoise skies, but her life and death here are only part of the story. Reading almost like a novel, this book spills over with other legends buried deep in time, just as some of North America's oldest dinosaur bones lie hidden beneath the valley floor. Here are the stories of Pueblo Indians who have claimed this land for generations. Here, too, are Utes, Navajos, Jicarilla Apaches, Hispanos, and Anglos-many lives tangled together, yet also separate and distinct. Underlying these stories is the saga of Ghost Ranch itself, a last living vestige of the Old West ideal of horses, cowboys, and wide-open spaces. Readers will meet a virtual Who's Who of visitors from "dude ranch" days, ranging from such luminaries as Willa Cather, Ansel Adams, and Charles Lindbergh to World War II scientist J. Robert Oppenheimer and his colleagues, who were working on the top-secret atomic bomb in nearby Los Alamos. Moving on through the twentieth century, the book describes struggles to preserve the valley's wild beauty in the face of land development and increased tourism. Just as the Piedra Lumbre landscape has captivated countless wayfarers over hundreds of years, so its stories cast their own spell. Indispensable for travelers, pure pleasure for history buffs and general readers, these pages are a magic carpet to a magic land: Abiquiu, Ghost Ranch, the Valley of Shining Stone. A must to add to your bucket list. [1 copy available]
$ 14.59 + $ 3.40 media shipping

Price: $ 14.59
Valley of Shining Stone, Abiquiu New Mexico

For more Native American bookplates, click here

art by Deviney. Condition: NEW package of 12 bookplates made by pacaritambo books. The peel-off label stock is heavier than most bookplate materials and is matte and not glossy. They are as perfect as possible, and we feel the subject matter is much different than you can get at a big store. 3.0 wide x 4.00 high. Content: Prancing Indian Pony decked out in feathers with his portrait above. We can personalize your bookplate (the font is Enviro D) - just email us the name. Any questions, click here to email us.
$ 4.00 + $ 2.85 first class shipping. International shipping available.

Price: $ 4.00
Native American Bookplates

art by unknown artist. Condition: NEW package of 12 bookplates made by pacaritambo books. The peel-off label stock is heavier than most bookplate materials and is matte and not glossy. They are as perfect as possible, and we feel the subject matter is much different than you can get at a big store. 3.2 wide x 4.00 high. Content: Assorted Southwestern tribal pottery samples and designs - Anasazi, Zuni, Hopi, etc. We can personalize your bookplate (the font is Binner D) - just email us the name. Any questions, click here to email us.
$ 4.00 + $ 2.85 first class shipping. International shipping available.

Price: $ 4.00
Native American Bookplates

pacaritambo books